Doubling Down on Investor Day

Adam Hardej
Prev. OnePager Co-Founder
October 25th, 2021

Not sure what Investor Day is? Check out this post for context: What is Investor Day?
TL;DR - Investor Day is a newsletter that shares OnePagers with over 700 active investors to get fundraising founders more exposure. Fundraising founder? Signup here. Active investor? Apply here. It’s all free.
Since we first launched, our goal has always been to help founders connect with investors. We started with a non-exclusive scout program called Open Scout and then built OnePager to help information move through the network. As the volume of companies increased, we created Investor Day to systematize how we were helping founders get exposure to more investors and accelerate their fundraising process. Through Investor Day, we have worked directly with over 500 startups and introduced them to millions of dollars in capital. We love working with founders and it has been amazing to see the results we’ve been able to produce so far.
With that being the case - we’re doubling down.
In the coming weeks and months we will be focusing in our Investor Day program and improving it in a few key ways:
Center Stage
In the past, Investor Day has been a side bonus for OnePager users mentioned in re-engagement emails, not a central benefit. Going forward, Investor Day will take on a much more prominent role within the OnePager product and messaging - from in-product reminders to direct marketing of benefits to new users. We will make sure founders don’t miss it and they know how to take full advantage.
More Investors
We have seen our investor audience grow steadily over the past year, but have never given it our full attention. We will look to double the size of the Investor Day audience in the near future by inviting active investors to join as well as beginning to explore how we can build out their experience within the product. As the investor audience grows, the chances of our founders finding the right investors increases.
Easy Access
One of the things that investors appreciate the most about Investor Day is how easy it is. There’s no live event to fit into your schedule. It’s standardized. It’s free. This ease has been a big part of how we’re able to get investor attention and ultimately benefit founders. To take this a step further, we will be offering the opportunity to invest directly into some of the most popular Investor Day companies and make it easier for smaller check writers to get involved.
We’re excited to push Investor Day forward and will continue to release updates as we launch improvements so stay tuned!